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Ravi Murugesan

Include an image with your text entry

by Ravi Murugesan - Friday, 18 October 2024, 9:20 PM
  1. To include an image along with your text entry for an activity, you should first resize your image so that it is smaller than 800 pixels in width or 400 KB in file size. You can use an image manipulation tool such as the free Microsoft Photos app for Windows to resize your image.
  2. Once you have resized your image, open the submission space on this site (learn@inasp). The submission space is where you submit your work for an activity, as mentioned in the activity instructions.
  3. Click the Insert or Edit Image button on the editor toolbar.

  4. In the pop-up windows that opens, click Browse Repositories -> Upload a File -> Browse. 
  5. Select the image file from your computer or mobile device.

Ravi Murugesan

Record and attach an audio clip

by Ravi Murugesan - Friday, 18 October 2024, 9:20 PM

To record and attach an audio clip from the text editor on this site:

  1. Note that the maximum length for an audio clip you can record on this site is 3 minutes.
  2. Have your script ready at hand. Make sure you can narrate this script within 3 minutes. Adjust the length of the script if necessary.
  3. Once you have resized your image, open the submission space on this site (learn@inasp). The submission space is where you submit your work for an activity, as mentioned in the activity instructions.
  4. Click on the Record Audio icon in the toolbar of the text editor.

  5. A pop-up appears. Click Start Recording.
  6. Your browser may ask you if you want to permit to record using your microphone. Click Allow.
  7. The recording starts along with a countdown timer. Record your script, making sure to complete your recording within 3 minutes. Do not close the recording pop-up.
  8. Click Stop Recording once you have finished your narration.
  9. Click Attach Recording.
  10. The recording appears in the text editor as a tiny audio player. Do not try to move this item, as it can get deleted. If you are not happy with your recording, you can delete it and repeat the above steps.

Ravi Murugesan

Time zone and calendar tip

by Ravi Murugesan - Friday, 5 July 2024, 6:25 AM

To convert a time from a different time zone to your time zone, use a converter such as this one: Also, make note of any live session on your digital calendar (e.g., Google Calendar) so that you receive a notification before the session starts.


Ravi Murugesan

[Anonymisation of survey responses]

by Ravi Murugesan - Friday, 16 June 2023, 8:33 AM

We may combine or correlate the responses in the feedback survey with the responses in the pre-course survey to understand the influence of different factors on course participation. However, in doing any such analysis, we will be using anonymised numeric identifiers and not real names. Further, for reporting purposes we may use anonymised data or quotes from this survey. (You can also look at our privacy policy to learn how we use the data we collect.) While we ask you to complete this survey to meet the completion criteria for the course, your actual responses will not have any bearing on your course completion status.


Ravi Murugesan

How to reset your password

by Ravi Murugesan - Thursday, 4 March 2021, 9:09 AM
  1. Go to the login page:
  2. Click on the link titled 'Forgotten your username or password?'
  3. Under 'Search by email address', put in the email address you used when you created your user account, and click 'Search'. Alternatively, if you remember your username, put that under 'Search by username', and click the 'Search link' next to this box.

You will then receive an email with instructions to reset your password.


Ravi Murugesan

How to edit an entry you have added in a database

by Ravi Murugesan - Thursday, 4 March 2021, 4:11 AM
To see or edit your own entry in an activity that is set up as a database, you have to first search for your entry, for example, you can put your name in the search box and click search. You should then be able to see your entry. Then click the gear-shaped icon alongside your entry.

Ravi Murugesan

Checking or editing your own entry in a database activity

by Ravi Murugesan - Friday, 24 April 2020, 5:27 AM

Once you have added an entry, you can check or edit it if you'd like to. To do this, you have to first search for your entry by putting your name in the search box in the database. You should then be able to see your entry. To edit your entry, click the icon that looks like this:


Ravi Murugesan

How to check if you have assessed the submissions allocated to you

by Ravi Murugesan - Sunday, 26 April 2020, 10:37 AM

To check whether you have indeed completed the assessments, go to the activity page and scroll down to view the submissions assigned to you. If you see the phrase 'Already graded' under a submission, it means you have assessed that submission. You can click on the 'Re-assess' button in case you'd like to change anything in your assessment.


Ravi Murugesan

Percentage completion figure in Moodle Mobile app

by Ravi Murugesan - Monday, 21 October 2019, 5:27 AM

If you use the Moodle Mobile app on your mobile device to access a course, you may see a percentage completion figure under your course on the app homepage (after you've logged in). This figure may be inaccurate in some cases -- this is a shortcoming of the Moodle app and not something we at INASP can control. Please do not use this figure to determine your progress in the course. You may as well ignore it. What is important is to check the completion criteria for the course and any other information given in the course on how to track your progress.


Ravi Murugesan

Using the 'optional subscription' feature

by Ravi Murugesan - Tuesday, 6 April 2021, 7:40 AM

To receive email copies of posts made on this forum, click on 'Subscribe to this forum' in the 'Forum administration' menu (the gear icon on the right side). You can unsubscribe at any time. Alternatively, you can subscribe to specific discussion topics within a forum.


Ravi Murugesan

Saving course materials after the end of a course

by Ravi Murugesan - Thursday, 18 April 2019, 12:40 PM

Once a course comes to an end, you will have access to the course materials for at least one month after the end date. While our courses are usually not deleted from this site, we cannot guarantee that our courses will be indefinitely available. We strongly recommend that you save the course materials once the course you have taken comes to an end. Instructions are given below.

  • For learning resources such as lessons, guided readings, or tutorials, you will find instructions in the course on how to save or download these resources.

  • For quizzes and peer assessment activities, see this: Printing/saving quiz reviews and peer assessments

  • For saving a forum discussion, use the print or save feature in your web browser.

  • If you have received a certificate for the course, remember where you have saved it on your computer!


Ravi Murugesan

How to mark this quiz as complete

by Ravi Murugesan - Friday, 31 August 2018, 9:03 AM

After you take this quiz, please click inside the solid box next to the title of the quiz above so that you see a check mark. You must do this to receive credit for this quiz activity.


Ravi Murugesan

How to subscribe to the site news forum

by Ravi Murugesan - Wednesday, 20 June 2018, 10:52 AM

We post announcements of our upcoming online courses on the site news forum. You can subscribe to this forum to receive email alerts whenever we make posts. To subscribe,

  • Make sure you are logged into INASP Moodle with your user account. 

    • Click the Log in link at the top if you're not logged in. If you don't have an account yet, you can create a new account on the login page.

  • After you are logged in, visit the site news forum and click the link called 'Subscribe to this forum' in the menu on the left.


Ravi Murugesan

How to save your own blog entries

by Ravi Murugesan - Monday, 12 February 2018, 6:23 AM

If you have written blog entries as part of a course, you may want to keep a record of all your entries to read them later on (for example, when you wish to remind yourself of what you learnt in the course). You can look at your own blog entries by going to your profile and clicking Blog entries (under the Miscellaneous heading). Then use the save or print feature in your web browser to save a copy of the page that you see. This page shows a maximum of 10 entries. If you have written more than 10 entries, you will see links to access the other pages with your entries and you can save/print all the pages one by one.


Ravi Murugesan

Completion check mark for lessons

by Ravi Murugesan - Tuesday, 6 February 2018, 9:30 AM

Once you see all the pages in a lesson, you will see a check mark inside the box next to the lesson name on the homepage, indicating that you have completed this lesson. If you think you've gone through a lesson but you don't see the check mark, it means you may have skipped one or more pages in between.


Ravi Murugesan

Using emoticons on this site

by Ravi Murugesan - Tuesday, 5 September 2017, 5:29 AM

The basic smiley smile is arguably the most popular emoticon, but emoticons can also be useful to convey other feelings. You can make an emoticon just by typing the relevant characters in your text editor. No special formatting is needed! For example if you type a colon : followed by the symbol ) you won't immediately see a smiley but when you save your post you'll see it has appeared on the page like this: smile .


Ravi Murugesan

Forum etiquette - Don'ts

by Ravi Murugesan - Monday, 5 August 2019, 10:43 AM

You should NOT:

  • Display any kind of bias towards course participants based on their gender, ethnicity, nationality, or anything else
  • Write in a harsh or insulting manner to anyone in the course
  • Share the contact information of other participants without permission
  • Discuss things unrelated to the topic of the course (unless you use a special social forum for informal/off-topic discussion);
  • Advertise anything without providing context. This includes posting calls for papers from journals, conferences and other events. You can however provide a link to anything online if it is relevant to an ongoing discussion in the course
  • Provide links to websites that may have illegal content, such as pirated software, scanned books, and copyrighted journal articles that are not meant to be shared openly. Uploading any such content directly on the forums is also forbidden.
  • Create an excessive number of separate threads on the same topic
If you are in doubt, check with your course moderator.

Ravi Murugesan

Forum etiquette - Dos

by Ravi Murugesan - Monday, 5 August 2019, 10:40 AM
  • Check the forums regularly to see what others have posted
  • Make sure your posts are relevant
  • Post your contributions at appropriate times or within deadlines (if any)
  • Check what you have written before posting it, especially when expressing a disagreement

Ravi Murugesan

Tips to use your digital badge

by Ravi Murugesan - Friday, 30 June 2017, 5:29 AM

If you complete an online course on INASP Moodle, you may receive a digital badge. To download this badge, login to INASP Moodle ( and visit the "My badges" page:

Click the badge to view the full details. You can copy the link to this web page from the address bar of your web browser and share the link in your CV or any online profile.

You can also display this digital badge on a badge portfolio. To do this, follow the steps given in this tutorial.

Finally, read this Wikipedia page if you'd like to learn more about digital badges.


Ravi Murugesan

Why deadline extensions are not possible for peer assessment activities

by Ravi Murugesan - Tuesday, 10 October 2017, 5:07 AM

An activity that involves peer assessment has a number of sequential phases. Immediately after the deadline for the submission phase, the submissions are randomly allocated by the system for assessment. It's not possible to plug in a late submission after the activity enters the assessment phase. Then, right after the assessment phase, the activity is closed and everyone can view their assessments. Again, it's not possible to plug in late assessments once the activity is closed. Because of the way this activity works, we cannot extend the deadline for either the submission or assessment phase. So please do not ask for extensions!

Related tip: phases of a peer assessment activity


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