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Ravi Murugesan

Ravi Murugesan

Ravi Murugesan

[Anonymisation of survey responses]

by Ravi Murugesan - Friday, 16 June 2023, 8:33 AM

We may combine or correlate the responses in the feedback survey with the responses in the pre-course survey to understand the influence of different factors on course participation. However, in doing any such analysis, we will be using anonymised numeric identifiers and not real names. Further, for reporting purposes we may use anonymised data or quotes from this survey. (You can also look at our privacy policy to learn how we use the data we collect.) While we ask you to complete this survey to meet the completion criteria for the course, your actual responses will not have any bearing on your course completion status.


Ravi Murugesan

Acknowledging AuthorAID courses in your publications

by Ravi Murugesan - Tuesday, 3 May 2016, 12:06 PM
If you would like to give credit to an AuthorAID online course in any of your manuscripts (eg, in the "acknowledgements section"), we suggest this wording: "<your name> gained useful knowledge on research writing from an AuthorAID online course run by INASP". Please note the correct way to write AuthorAID with "AID" capitalised (it is not "AuthorAid"), and please make sure you mention INASP too because this is AuthorAID's parent organisation. Thank you smile

Ravi Murugesan

ALERT: Upcoming events block is not yet activated

by Ravi Murugesan - Thursday, 14 April 2016, 7:45 AM
After you complete the pre assessment quiz, the course material will become available to you and therefore the upcoming events block will be activated. If you haven't yet completed the pre assessment quiz, whatever message you see in the upcoming events block (eg, "no deadlines in the next 10 days") may not be correct. So please complete this quiz as soon as possible!

Ravi Murugesan

Automatically generated certificates

by Ravi Murugesan - Monday, 16 January 2017, 10:36 AM
For many courses on INASP Moodle we award certificates that are generated automatically based on the relevant course completion criteria. If you're eligible for such a certificate, you'll be notified when your certificate is ready for downloading. Please note the following:

  1. You can download your certificate anytime after the certificate is ready (even months later, as long as you've not unenrolled yourself or the course hasn't been deleted). You just need to log into INASP Moodle and visit the course homepage. You'll then see a link or section to download your certificate, if you've completed the course. If you've forgotten your password for INASP Moodle, you can reset it by clicking the 'Lost password' link on the homepage.
  2. If you would like your name to appear differently on your certificate, just change your name in your user profile after logging in. See check/edit your profile. Then download your certificate again.
  3. If you've changed the interface language on INASP Moodle from English to some other language and you find that there are odd characters in your certificate, please change the interface language back to English. Then download your certificate again. Some languages are not supported fully in the certificate plugin.
  4. Please do not request any changes in the wording or formatting of the certificate, as these are standardized.
  5. We do not send out hard copies of certificates to online course participants as this would be very expensive! But feel free to print your certificate yourself.

Related tip: Verification code on the certificate


Ravi Murugesan

Being part of the AuthorAID community

by Ravi Murugesan - Thursday, 23 July 2015, 7:11 AM
There's more than one way to be part of the large AuthorAID community!

  1. Join the AuthorAID online mentoring scheme as a mentee or mentor:
  2. Join the AuthorAID mailing list:
  3. Subscribe to the AuthorAID blog to receive email copies of informative posts and news items, including calls for applications for online courses and grant announcements. Enter your email address in the box on the right side of this page:
  4. Follow AuthorAID on Facebook:
  5. Follow AuthorAID on Twitter:

AuthorAID is run by INASP, an international development charity in the UK, and we work in the areas of research access, research production, research uptake, and so on, all with a focus on developing countries. If you're interested in INASP's work...

  1. Subscribe to INASP newsletters and publications:
  2. Follow the INASP blog: You can subscribe via email (see the box on the right).
  3. Follow INASP on Facebook:
  4. Follow INASP on Twitter:
  5. View INASP videos on YouTube:

Ravi Murugesan

Check your submission

by Ravi Murugesan - Monday, 8 June 2015, 12:29 PM

Whenever you upload a document on a website - whether it is a journal submission system, INASP Moodle, or something else - it's always a good idea to try to download and open that document to make sure it has been uploaded properly. Errors sometimes happen during the uploading stage because of which your document may have been uploaded incompletely or may not have been uploaded at all!


Ravi Murugesan

Check/edit your profile

by Ravi Murugesan - Monday, 7 March 2022, 11:17 AM

To edit your profile, click your name or photo in the top right hand corner of this site, click "Profile" and then "Edit profile". We recommend that you add a photo of yourself in your profile and write something about yourself in the "description" field. This way you'll contribute to making the course a friendly learning environment smile When editing your profile, you can also change your personal details (including your password), set your time zone, etc.


Ravi Murugesan

Checking or editing your own entry in a database activity

by Ravi Murugesan - Friday, 24 April 2020, 5:27 AM

Once you have added an entry, you can check or edit it if you'd like to. To do this, you have to first search for your entry by putting your name in the search box in the database. You should then be able to see your entry. To edit your entry, click the icon that looks like this:


Ravi Murugesan

Checking your submission in a peer assessment activity

by Ravi Murugesan - Tuesday, 28 April 2020, 7:43 AM
  1. Go to the activity page.

  2. Pay attention to the table at the top which explains the different phases of the activity.

  3. See if there's a green check mark next to the phrase "Submit your work" in the "Submission phase" section. If yes, you have successfully submitted your work. You can click the "Submit your work" link to see your submission, and you can edit it before the deadline if you'd like to. If you don't see a green check mark next to "Submit your work", you have not submitted your work.

  4. If you have uploaded a document as part of your submission, make sure that it is in a proper file format (eg, an MS Word file). It is always a good idea to download what you have submitted and then to open it to check (a) whether the file opens and (b) if it has the right contents.

Ravi Murugesan

Completing a peer assessment activity

by Ravi Murugesan - Tuesday, 28 April 2020, 7:43 AM

The completion check mark for an activity that includes a peer assessment phase will appear once the activity is closed. It will NOT appear immediately after the submission and assessment phases.

  1. Submission phase: This is the phase in which you have to prepare and submit your work. Read the instructions on the activity page to find out what you should submit.

  2. Assessment phase: This is the phase in which you have to evaluate the submissions that have been allocated to you. When the activity moves to the assessment phase, the activity page will contain instructions on how you should carry out the assessments.

Once the above two phases are completed, the course facilitator will close the activity. You will see a completion check mark after the closure phase IF (1) you have submitted your work and (2) you have received at least one assessment. If you have submitted your work but you have not received any assessments, you will not see a completion check mark, but the course moderator will ensure that you get credit for this activity -- as long as you have assessed all the works allocated to you.

Remember: To receive completion credit for a peer assessment activity, you should take part in BOTH the submission and assessment phases.


Ravi Murugesan

Completion check mark for a peer assessment activity

by Ravi Murugesan - Friday, 24 April 2020, 6:36 AM

A peer assessment activity consists of three phases, explained below. The completion check mark for this activity will appear at the end of the third phase. It will NOT appear immediately after the submission and assessment phases.

  1. Submission phase: This is the phase in which you have to prepare and submit your work.

  2. Assessment phase: This is the phase in which you have to evaluate the submissions that have been allocated to you. You will be provided with a rubric or assessment form for evaluating each submission.

  3. Closure: Once the above two phases are completed, the course facilitator will close the activity. You will see a completion check mark after the closure phase IF (1) you have submitted your work and (2) you have received at least one assessment. If you have submitted your work but you've not received any assessments, you will not see a completion check mark, but you will still get credit for this activity as long as you have assessed all the works allocated to you.

Also see: Completion credit for a peer assessment activity


Ravi Murugesan

Completion check mark for lessons

by Ravi Murugesan - Tuesday, 6 February 2018, 9:30 AM

Once you see all the pages in a lesson, you will see a check mark inside the box next to the lesson name on the homepage, indicating that you have completed this lesson. If you think you've gone through a lesson but you don't see the check mark, it means you may have skipped one or more pages in between.


Ravi Murugesan

Confidentiality statement: INASP Moodle

by Ravi Murugesan - Tuesday, 10 September 2019, 6:14 AM
The information you provide in the background information survey and your activity metrics in the course will be held in confidentiality by INASP. If you are taking an online course as part of a sponsored group, we may share this information with the sponsoring organisation. Otherwise, only overall data, such as the number of course completers, are shared in the public domain.

Ravi Murugesan

Creative Commons license

by Ravi Murugesan - Monday, 23 January 2017, 2:19 PM
Creative Commons licenses allow material to be shared and reused under terms that are flexible and legally sound. There are 6 types of creative commons licenses. See

Ravi Murugesan

Deadline reminders in upcoming events or calendar block

by Ravi Murugesan - Thursday, 14 April 2016, 7:35 AM
If there's an upcoming events block or calendar block on your course homepage, you can see upcoming deadlines in this block. By default, deadlines occurring in the next 10 days are shown. When you complete an activity, the deadline message related to this activity may persist on the upcoming events or calendar block. It won't disappear until the deadline has passed. Please don't be concerned by this. To check whether you have completed an activity, go to the activity page to check if your work has been submitted or see whether a completion check mark has appeared against that activity. (For peer assessment activities, see this: Phases of a peer assessment activity)

Ravi Murugesan

Email copies of forum posts

by Ravi Murugesan - Monday, 8 June 2015, 12:33 PM

Posts made on forums within a course are sent as email copies to people who have subscribed to those forums. You may be subscribed by default to the forums in the courses you are participating in.

If you don't wish to receive the email copies, you can unsubscribe from any or all the forums. Just click the "unsubscribe from this forum" or "unsubscribe from all forums" link in any email copy of a forum post. You can also visit the forum and click "unsubscribe from this forum" in the "forum administration" block on the left.

If you unsubscribe from the forums, please make sure you visit your course regularly to check the forum posts, for there might be a lot of great discussions going on!

If there is a "news forum" in your course, you might not be able to unsubscribe from this forum because important announcements are made here by the course facilitator.


Ravi Murugesan

Expiry of courses on INASP Moodle

by Ravi Murugesan - Thursday, 28 April 2016, 10:55 AM
Any course on INASP Moodle will remain open for at least one month after the end of the course. This is a "read only" period and you cannot participate in course activities. Facilitators or moderators will not be available to provide support, and discussion forums may be closed. However, in this one-month period, you will be able to access the course material and save what you'd like to, such as the course content, results of quizzes, and evaluations you may have received. Beyond one month after the course end date, the course may be deleted or reset and will not be available. If we plan to delete or reset a course, we will give advance notice of at least 2 weeks by making a post on the news forum of the course. If you remain subscribed to the news forum after the end of the course, you'll get a copy of this notification by email. Still, we recommend that you save the course material within one month of the course ending.

Ravi Murugesan

Forum etiquette - Don'ts

by Ravi Murugesan - Monday, 5 August 2019, 10:43 AM

You should NOT:

  • Display any kind of bias towards course participants based on their gender, ethnicity, nationality, or anything else
  • Write in a harsh or insulting manner to anyone in the course
  • Share the contact information of other participants without permission
  • Discuss things unrelated to the topic of the course (unless you use a special social forum for informal/off-topic discussion);
  • Advertise anything without providing context. This includes posting calls for papers from journals, conferences and other events. You can however provide a link to anything online if it is relevant to an ongoing discussion in the course
  • Provide links to websites that may have illegal content, such as pirated software, scanned books, and copyrighted journal articles that are not meant to be shared openly. Uploading any such content directly on the forums is also forbidden.
  • Create an excessive number of separate threads on the same topic
If you are in doubt, check with your course moderator.


Ravi Murugesan

Forum etiquette - Dos

by Ravi Murugesan - Monday, 5 August 2019, 10:40 AM
  • Check the forums regularly to see what others have posted
  • Make sure your posts are relevant
  • Post your contributions at appropriate times or within deadlines (if any)
  • Check what you have written before posting it, especially when expressing a disagreement

Ravi Murugesan

Having trouble enrolling in a course?

by Ravi Murugesan - Monday, 8 June 2015, 12:30 PM

If you receive enrollment instructions for a particular course, you'll need to follow the instructions carefully. Don't rush through this process. In particular, you have to locate the right course (and the right batch number, if relevant) and enter the enrollment key exactly as given in the instructions. It's a good idea to copy the key from the instructions and paste it in the box where you have to enter it.

After entering the enrollment key, you can "unhide" it to see if it matches the key given to you. Make sure there are no extra spaces or other inessential characters.

If you can't join your course AND you're absolutely sure that you have tried enrolling in the right course with the right enrollment key, you may email the course facilitator to seek help. Please mention in your email the full name of the course you tried to join and the enrollment key you used.

Related: Enrollment deadline


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