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What does each unit consist of?

Unit book

Denoted by , each unit contains a book with in-built reading and activities. As students progress through each unit, they will be supported by the following guidance:

Introduction and learning outcomes

The first page of each unit gives an overview of what will be covered in the unit and what a student will have learned having gone through the unit and completed all the activities.

Time needed to complete activities

Students get advice on how long it should take them to complete activities. 

Icons such as  show the approximate time they should allocate for an activity.

Key points 

Key points (denoted by ) ask students to think things through critically and note down their thoughts.  

We recommend doing this by keeping a course notebook where students write down their reflections and any ideas they generate while completing the course. They can keep their private course notebook in any way they prefer – a Word document, pen and paper, …

The students also have the opportunity to share their thoughts by writing on the blog. 

Reflections at the end of the unit

At the end of each unit students will find the page 'What have I learned?'. Again, we recommend that they jot down their reflections in their course notebook. If they like, students can share their thoughts with their fellow students by using the course blog for that unit.

Relevant literature

At the end of each unit students will find the page 'References and further resources'. This page will list all the sources used in that unit and point students towards further reading on the unit topic.

Unit blog or discussion forum

The unit blog is meant for sharing any thoughts students have about the unit with their fellow students, for example what they have learned or what else they want to find out. But we will remind them throughout the course when there are good opportunities for sharing their thoughts. Of course, lectures can also contribute to the course blog. Alternatively, a discussion forum can be set up.

Unit checklist

For each unit, students can be provided with a checklist on the main learning platform page. The checklist helps them to track major accomplishments when going through the self-study programme. Please see further information about the checklist on the page 'Monitoring progress'.