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Learning Commons
Learning Commons
Self-study tutorials (Open to all)
Self-study tutorials (Open to all) / Archived tutorials
MOOCs for researchers (Open to all)
MOOCs for researchers (Open to all) / Past courses
MOOCs for researchers (Open to all) / Past courses / MOOCs 2019 onward (GPEKE)
MOOCs for researchers (Open to all) / Past courses / MOOCs 2015 to 2018 (SRKS)
Courses delivered through partnerships
Courses delivered through partnerships / Templeton World Charity Foundation
Courses delivered through partnerships / Association of Commonwealth Universities (ACU)
Courses delivered through partnerships / National Institute for Health and Care Research (NIHR)
Courses delivered through partnerships / Girls' Education & Skills Partnership (GESP), Yabatech
Courses delivered through partnerships / Education Sub Saharan Africa (ESSA)
Courses delivered through partnerships / Transforming Employability for Social Change in East Africa (TESCEA)
Courses delivered through partnerships / Transforming Employability for Social Change in East Africa (TESCEA) / Course offerings
Courses delivered through partnerships / Transforming Employability for Social Change in East Africa (TESCEA) / Course offerings / Past offerings
Courses delivered through partnerships / Transforming Employability for Social Change in East Africa (TESCEA) / Master versions
Courses delivered through partnerships / Partnership for Enhanced Blended Learning West Africa (PEBL WA)
Courses delivered through partnerships / Assuring Quality Higher Education in Sierra Leone (AQHEd-SL)
Courses delivered through partnerships / Latindex
Courses delivered through partnerships / Blacksmith Institute / Pure Earth
Courses for preselected audiences
Courses for preselected audiences / For researchers
Courses for preselected audiences / For researchers / Past courses
Courses for preselected audiences / For facilitators and trainers
Courses for preselected audiences / For facilitators and trainers / Past courses
Courses for preselected audiences / For journal editors (2018 to 2022)
Courses for preselected audiences / For librarians (2014 to 2020)
Courses for preselected audiences / For librarians (2014 to 2020) / Monitoring and Evaluation of E-Resource Use
Courses for preselected audiences / For librarians (2014 to 2020) / Copyright and Licensing of Research Publications
Courses for preselected audiences / "Questioning as we learn" courses (2018 to 2020)
Learning Commons
Learning Commons / Uganda National Council for Science and Technology (UNCST)
Learning Commons / Somali Institute for Development Research and Analysis (SIDRA)
Learning Commons / Politics & Ideas
Learning Commons / Embedding Partners
Learning Commons / AuthorAID Hubs
INASP Courses for AuthorAID Hubs
Internal / HR Space
Miscellaneous / Repository
Miscellaneous / Certificate spaces
Miscellaneous / Course samples
Miscellaneous / Archive
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INASP Learning Commons is a space for educational institutions and capacity development organizations to host and run online courses. INASP is ready to provide pedagogical and technical support for these courses.
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Uganda National Council for Science and Technology (UNCST)
Somali Institute for Development Research and Analysis (SIDRA)
Politics & Ideas
Embedding Partners
AuthorAID Hubs