AuthorAID Proposal Writing and Research Writing Online Course (April to June 2017) - Merit Grade

Délivré à Dr. Surya B. Parajuli
Délivré le 30 juin 2017, 12:50
Délivré par INASP

This badge is issued to participants who have completed the AuthorAID Proposal Writing & Research Writing Online Course, which took place over an 8-week period from 18 April to 12 June 2017. Successful participants spent an average of 32 hours studying on the course.


This participant has completed the course and achieved a Merit grade by (1) scoring at least 80% on the quizzes in the course and (2) completing at least one of the two recommended writing activities in the course by taking part in both the submission and peer-assessment phases. To learn more about the course, please see the course announcement.

About AuthorAID and INASP
AuthorAID supports developing country researchers in communicating their work. AuthorAID is coordinated by INASP, a UK-based international development charity working with a global network of partners to improve access, production and use of research information and knowledge.

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